One of the things I like most about IPython Notebook is right there in the name – it’s a great notebook. Often I’ll figure out how to do something, be it talk to a certain API, format a graph in a particular way, parse a certain kind of file, and so on, in one of my notebooks.
The problem is this: I have notebooks in lots directories around my machine. Each data collection/analysis project has it’s own repository. I’ve got notebooks that go with presentations, notebooks for blog posts, a general playground direcory…. you get the idea. So, I’ll often remember that I solved a particular problem in the past, but not where I solved it.
The second problem is that grep and ack don’t work well with .ipynb
- They’re not normal line-oriented text, they’re JSON files.
- They don’t just have the code; they have your text, but more distractingly, they have the output files, many of which might be SVG or base64 encoded images, large HTML tables, etc.
I found a useful techique from Michelle Gill that helps address this second problem. Using jq
, a command line JSON processor, you can pick out only the code cells.
$ jq '.worksheets[].cells[] | select(.cell_type=="code") | .input[]' MyFile.ipynb
Great! Now I just need to find all the notebooks. Since I’m on OSX, I know that Spotlight knows where all my .ipynb files are, and I can access that from the CLI with mdfind
$ mdfind -onlyin ~/work -name '.ipynb'
Update: Thanks to Thomas Spura for the fork, this now works on linux with find
if you don’t have mdfind; I updated the original gist.
Bolting those ideas together, and I have the very useful script nbgrep. So if I want to find the notebook I was playing around with the Twitter API in, it’s an nbgrep twitter
away. (Bonus: in the terminal, you even get python syntax highlighting.)
$ nbgrep twitter
/Users/jbarratt/work/notebookcookbook/Tweet Relief.ipynb:
import twitter
auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(creds['access_token'],
twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth)
search_results ='#oscon', count
search_results =**kwargs)